For a free quote, please fill in the contact information below and someone will be in touch. Welcome to gk software providers of custom software solutions utilizing the latest microsoft tools. Net mfd with eurodata ag youll be working on our solutions from ui to backend. Error svnsync corrupt representation contemporary messages sorted. Information on the current portfolio by the shareholder on 17. Gk software profil hier finden sie alle informationen uber gk software wie z. According to these financial ratios gk software ses valuation is way below the market valuation of its sector.
If you would like to apply to work for us, please first check our job portal to see whether there is a current vacancy that matches your qualifications in the location of your choice. This provides the company with an attractive business location in the southwest of germany, a region, which traditionally has strong links to the retail and it business sectors. Ger financials, including income statements, growth rates, balance sheets and cash flow information. Gk software aktie aktienkurs chart 757142 de0007571424. Gk software unternehmensprofil informationen uber gk. We are a leading software partner to international retailers. Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender chairman of the supervisory board. Ingbert, 4 november 2008 storeweaver gmbh, a 100% subsidiary of gk software ag, is opening its new 022120 richard hambeck becomes managing director of the newly founded storeweaver gmbh. The content of this website has been prepared with the greatest possible care. Steffen kucias hr business partner action linkedin. Ingbert, 4 november 2008 storeweaver gmbh, a 100% subsidiary of gk software ag, is opening its new competence center in st.
Gk software providers of custom software solutions. Yannick thirion sap competence center gk software ag. The companies in the gk software group are based out of 14 different locations in seven different countries. Ceo, andre hergert amtsgericht chemnitz hrb 19157 commercial register chemnitz. Storeweaver gmbh eroffnet innovationsstandort in st. Welcome to gk software and thanks for visiting our site. Gk software takes over operating business of solquest gmbh gk software ag contract release of an ad hoc announcement according to 15 wphg, transmitted by dgap a company of equitystory ag. Mehr infos mehr infos 0 transware software solutions ag fritzwunderlichstr. The mission to outshine was the pouring forces overdue the scenery up of gk software pvt ltd. Gk software erp pack accounting pack education pack. Gk employs about 1,247 individuals at fourteen locations worldwide. Mehr infos mehr infos 0 sewiga softwareteam gmbh gewerbepark 5 66583 spiesenelversberg spiesen 0 software spiesenelversberg. I was in charge of some part of the merging of the 2 swift infrastructures, including transferring certificates and user accounts, routing rules, merging axway rounting rules to deal with several cristal instances and then merge in a single instance transparently for over 20 bics. Standort wahlen, berlin, hamburg, home office, jena, koln, pilsen, schoneck, st.
Kg assumes no warranty for the accuracy, completeness or currentness of the content provided, particularly for price, market, exchange or other financial information. Gk software ag july 2014 december 2015 1 year 6 months. Storeweaver gmbh opens innovation business center in st. It operates through the gk retail and information technology it services. Ambitious technology but just a pos software company. We have good experience in this market to fulfill your requirements easily. Subash basnet software developer gk software ag linkedin. Gk software ag vam nabizi zajimave a dynamicke pracovni prostredi s vynikajicimi moznostmi vyvoje. It help desk kundenbetreuer 2nd level support mw, schoneck st. Gk software takes over operating business of solquest gmbh. Xetra including stock price, stock chart, company news, key statistics, fundamentals and company profile. Informatique caisse des depots service bureau was merged with natixis sial. Manhal anwar senior technical consultant gk software. The company specializes in software and services for the operation of large retail company branches.
The company designs and develops store device control and mobile merchandise management solutions for task. Building woodlands office park 20 woodlands drive woodmead gauteng 2196. The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement. It operates through the gkretail and information technology it services. Gk software ag sankt ingbert, software hersteller, rohrbach. Benjamin sims softwareentwickler gk software ag linkedin. At our headquarters in schoneck, as well as at other locations in germany and abroad, over 1,200 employees develop standard software solutions and work on complex projects on behalf of major retail chains in over 60 countries. Youll be part of a professional, agile software team scrum kanban, and youll. Praktikantske stipendium u firmy gk software ag v berline pro. Mehr infos mehr infos 0 simasoft sage khk solution center. In 2012, the acquisition of the awek group considerably reinforced the services business segment of the company. Gk software receives sap hybris 2017 global isv partner of the year award central omnichannel pricing engine.
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